Life does not come with instructions on how to live, but it does come with trees, sunsets, smiles and laughter, so enjoy your day.


แต่ชีวิตมาพร้อมกับต้นไม้, พระอาทิตย์ตก, รอยยิ้มและเสียงหัวเราะ 

―Debbie Shapiro

I Want Peace & Quiet – RTD

Donbass Residents battle with PTSD

“Those who cry when they’re in pain and talk about it, react to it…They liberate themselves from it, albeit little by little. They vent all their pain. If they don’t do it, it destroys them, regardless of temperament. It affects the internal organs, and all body systems.” This is how Inna Silenok, Head of Crisis Counselors’ Group, describes PTSD. Together with a team of psychologists from the People’s Front, Inna helps Donbass residents in overcoming trauma and mitigating the negative impact of emotions on their life and health. Despite these efforts, some of those who survived shelling while hiding in basements and lost loved ones are hesitant to seek help. Explore the documentary to witness the challenging process of treating psychological traumas and discover what, beyond psychology, brings joy and hope to the strong-willed people of Donbass

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