Life is filled with unanswered questions, but it is the courage to seek those answers that continues to give meaning to life. You can spend your life wallowing in despair, wondering why you were the one who was led towards the road strewn with pain, or you can be grateful that you are strong enough to survive it.

ชีวิตนั้นเต็มไปด้วยคำถามมากมายที่ไร้คำตอบ, มันต้องใช้ความกล้าในการค้นหาคำตอบที่ให้ความหมายของการมีชีวิต คุณอาจจะใช้ชีวิตติดกับความผิดหวัง และสงสัยว่าทำไมมีเพียงแต่คุณที่ต้องเดินไปบนถนนที่เต็มไปด้วยความเจ็บปวดเพียงลำพัง หรือคุณอาจจะรู้สึกขอบคุณตัวเองที่เข้มแขึงและยืนหยัดอยู่ได้

J.D. Stroube, Caged by Damnation

Tag: napoleon

  • The Murder of Paul I

    The murder of Paul I Tags: History, War of 1812, Russia, World Gorokhova Ekaterina 24.03.2011, 12:00 Welcome to our series of programs dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812. Today marks 210 years since the Emperor of Russia Paul I was murdered. The VOR is going to tell you about this tragic page of Russian…

  • 1812 : The War of the First Coalition

    The War of the First Coalition Tags: History, War of 1812, Russia, Society, World 17.08.2010, 15:01 In the late 18th and early 19th century Europe was teetering precariously on the brink of an all-out conflagration with the continental monarchies watching with alarm the expansionist ambitions of France, out to dominate the Western and Central European…

  • Two French commanders who has so little in common

    Two French commanders who had so little in common Tags: Russia, World, History, War of 1812 Kharlamova Maria 16.12.2010, 10:24 They were Marshal Nicholas Charles Oudinot and General Jeannot. Let us begin from Oudinot for his rank was higher. Charles Oudinot was known as a brave and even adventurous person. He was wounded 24 times…

  • 1812 : Crossing the Berezina

    Crossing the Berezina Tags: Russia, World, History, War of 1812, Culture Lyubov Tsarevskaya 21.12.2010, 16:10 The winter of 1812 came early and was extremely cold. Frost-bitten and famine-stricken, exhausted by rearguard clashes and partisan raids, Napoleon’s Grande Armee was shrinking rapidly. The emperor led his troops to Smolensk, where he hoped to find food and…

  • 1812 : little-know facts

    1812 War: little-known facts Tags: History, War of 1812, Russia, World Kharlamova Maria 20.12.2010, 15:19 Some such facts are odd enough but true, while others prompt many to rethink the events pertaining to the 1812 war. The 16th century reputed seer Nostradamus, for example, is thought to have predicted the birth of Napoleon and all…

  • 1812 : Napoleon and Holy See (2)

    1812.Napoleon and the Holy See. Part Two Tags: History, War of 1812, Russia, World 17.12.2010, 12:10 However ironic Napoleon may have been about “religions for all”, he was nonetheless a believer, he believed in what he called “my star”. He once told Cardinal Fesch that he could actually see his star, which was leading the…

  • 1812 : Napoleon and Holy See (1)

    1812.Napoleon and the Holy See. Part One Tags: History, War of 1812, Russia, World 15.12.2010, 09:07 It is held that Napoleon was finally defeated because of his military campaigns against Britain, Spain and Russia. But he fought yet another war, of which the results we clearly underestimate as materialistically minded people. That was a war…

  • Napoleon’s sons

    1812 War: Napoleon’s sons Air date:11.12.2010. Tags: Napoleon, History, War of 1812, Culture Kharlamova Maria 8.12.2010, 17:59 In our series timed for the bicentenary of the Russian victory in the 1812 war with Napoleon we continue to acquaint you with the people and the events of those days. Our story today is about Napoleon’s children.Napoleon’s…

  • 1812 : Mystery over looted treasures (version 2)

    1812: mystery over looted treasures – version 2 Tags: Russia, World, History, War of 1812 Kharlamova Maria 24.11.2010, 16:20 Here is the next program in our special series “Russia against France in the War of 1812” ahead of the approaching bicentenary of Russia’s victory over Napoleon.Today, we continue our previous story about the mystery shrouding…

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